About Sadie Rose Boutique

Hello friend!

  I would like to say a huge thank you for checking out Sadie Rose Boutique. Here you'll find a carefully curated selection of style combining both country and class.  

  Sadie Rose Boutique was started with a passion to style women in a way that helps bring out their inner confidence. The founder, Lindsey, grew up  enamored with the building blocks of fashion, which led to studying the industry in college and running a private clothing line. Following that, she dedicated her time to partner with various clothing companies, while gaining experience in personal styling and purchasing.
Now, Lindsey pursues her dreams of styling others while searching for the right collection to display in the shop. Sadie Rose Boutique's dream is to expand its reach by supporting local designers and small businesses to spotlight the hidden gems this country has to offer. 


Mission Statement:      

   Our mission is to empower individuals with each outfit, piece, and styling advice to bring out your inner confidence and polish up your shine!
I believe that each person has a special calling and purpose on their life, made uniquely just for you.
I believe that you were made to be celebrated! 

You are a work of art.

Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."